Mohamed Effendy Bin Abdul Hamid
History Department, PhD
EWC Student Affiliate
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Office: A-108, Sakamaki Hall
Tel: 808-956-4226
Posted by Mohamed Effendy Bin Abdul Hamid on 01 Oct 2008
Astounding. It's still 5 October here. Very same day I discover this site. This is brilliant and worthwhile. I will learn upon the morrow whether or not my course at the local community college runs, Vietnam, History, Culture, and the American Experience. At a glance this is wonderful stuff.
Is Tang Ruo-wang (湯若望) the Jesuit missionary Johann Adam Schall von Bell? Should we change his affiliation from Chinese, or does the fact that he was an advisor to the Emperor mean we classify his affiliation as Chinese?
What could be the difference between 'fan' ships and private ships? When did the 'relaxation' on shipping begin?
陳光祉, 字錫甫, 瀘江學佛道者.
有“竹林大士出山之圖”題跋 (永樂十八年、歲在庚子、上元日).
For Chen Guang-zhi (viet. Tran Quang-chi) see: Qin ding Mi dian zhu lin xu bian (Qian qing gong, 3) in Xu xiu si ku quan shu, vol. 1069, p. 106-106. 欽定秘殿珠林續編, 乾清官藏三. 續修四庫全書. 第1069册. 上海古籍出版社. 105-106 頁.
email address:
Andrey Nikitin
Su-dan Mang-su Sha is Sultan Mansor Shah?
Mohamed Effendy Bin Abdul Hamid
History Department, PhD
EWC Student Affiliate
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Office: A-108, Sakamaki Hall
Tel: 808-956-4226
Astounding. It's still 5 October here. Very same day I discover this site. This is brilliant and worthwhile. I will learn upon the morrow whether or not my course at the local community college runs, Vietnam, History, Culture, and the American Experience. At a glance this is wonderful stuff.
The Nai legacy and descendents is still here living in Kedah
" ...He changed his name to Hu Yi-yuan and his son was called Hu Di " . Hu Di (胡) . In the Chinese text Ming Shi Lu ( 明實錄 ) written 胡
Bo-ni is wrong. This Original Chinese character 漢字 is (波勒)which shuold be translated as " Bo-le"
I wonder if it was bad luck to give a gift of knives in the Ming as it is today, and whether the Sultan had been so informed.
Is Tang Ruo-wang (湯若望) the Jesuit missionary Johann Adam Schall von Bell? Should we change his affiliation from Chinese, or does the fact that he was an advisor to the Emperor mean we classify his affiliation as Chinese?