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The MSL (Tai-zong shi-lu 269.3a-b), records that the territory of this polity was, in the early 15th century, occupied by Da Gu-la which suggests an area near Assam. There seems little doubt that it refers to Tripura, which lies south of the Brahmaputra and north of Bengal. See the map in Baruah (1985; facing p. 171). Chen, Xie and Lu (1986; 537) record Toungoo as a suggested identification. The evidence does not support this.
For information on further Chinese sources relating to this polity, see Chen, Xie and Lu (1986; 537), Fang Guo-yu (1987; 1011-1014) and Gong Yin (1985; 208 and 1992; 628).