San Fo-qi

Original Name: 
Chinese Name: 

Conventionally translated as Srivijaya, but seemingly a Chinese representation of the Arabic toponym Zābaj, through Hokkien vernacular pronunciation “sña-but-zue” of the characters 三佛齊. The term had appeared throughout the Song dynasty, but is only seen in the first half century of the MSL record, and is the name used by previous Chinese dynasties to refer to Srivijaya. The MSL San Fo-qi could well also be Srivijaya, a polity centered initially at Palembang and then at Jambi in Sumatra. For some of the relevant literature, see Coedes and Damais (1992), Fukami (1999), Kobata and Matsuda (1969), Kuwata (1972), Mills (1970; 98, 214), Tan Yeok-seong (1962), Tibbetts (1979, 100-19), Wang Gungwu (1968 and 1970) and Wolters (1970). See also the entry on Old Port above. For information on further Chinese sources relating to this polity, see Chen, Xie and Lu (1986; 129-31, 1045-46).

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