
Yong-le: Year 17, Month 12, Day 6

22 Dec 1419

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In accordance with the regulations governing prefectural, subprefectural and county native officials, Pei Cha, the native-official police officer from Yi-peng Sea-port police office and others from Jiao-zhi, having completed 9 years in their respective posts, came to the capital for assessment. The Ministry of Personnel advised: "Police officers should have their personal service records examined every three years. Cha and the others have violated regulations. It is requested that they be charged with an offence." The Emperor said: "The people from the distant areas are not versed in the state's regulations. How can we suddenly charge them with an offence?" It was ordered that they return to their posts and in future provide personal service records for examination every three years in accordance with the regulations.

Tai-zong: juan 219.1a

Zhong-yang Yan-jiu yuan Ming Shi-lu, volume 14, page 2171

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Preferred form of citation for this entry:

Geoff Wade, translator, Southeast Asia in the Ming Shi-lu: an open access resource, Singapore: Asia Research Institute and the Singapore E-Press, National University of Singapore, http://epress.nus.edu.sg/msl/reign/yong-le/year-17-month-12-day-6, accessed January 22, 2019