Yong-le: Year 3, Month 12, Day 18
8 Jan 1406
Imperial orders were sent to Chen Tian-ping, the grandson of the king of Annam, as follows: "I have recently received a memorial from Hu Di. He has shown deep repentance. He requested that you be sent back, so that he can serve you as his lord. I believe that a country cannot have two rulers. However, anxious that Di was not sincere, I sent another envoy to question him. I promised him the title of Superior Duke and offered him a fief of a great prefecture. Now Di has sent a memorial back, vowing that he is not insincere. He has also sent Ruan Jing-zhen and others to receive you. Di has advised that he will personally welcome you at the border. My way is to value the middle road and propriety, and this requires acting in accordance with that which is correct. Now, I am sending the Commissioner-in-chief Huang Zhong, regional commander of Guang-xi, and others with 5,000 troops to escort you to your country. You are to make arrangements to travel."
Tai-zong: juan 49.2b-3a
Zhong-yang Yan-jiu yuan Ming Shi-lu, volume 10, page 0740/41
Preferred form of citation for this entry:
Geoff Wade, translator, Southeast Asia in the Ming Shi-lu: an open access resource, Singapore: Asia Research Institute and the Singapore E-Press, National University of Singapore, http://epress.nus.edu.sg/msl/reign/yong-le/year-3-month-12-day-18, accessed January 22, 2019