- an-ma (鞍馬) - horse with saddle
- ba-shi (把事) - local commander
- bai-fu-zhang (百夫長) - local company commander
- bao (堡) - fort
- bao-kan (保勘) - investigation of confirmation
- biao (表) - memorial
- bo (帛) - silk
- cai-fu (財富) - (trading) manager
- cang (倉) - granary
- chao-gong (朝貢) - come to Court to offer tribute
- cheng (城) - city, walled city
- chou-fen chang (抽分場) - shipping tax office
- chi (勅) - Imperial orders
- ci (賜) - confer
- cun (村) - village
- dai-mei (玳瑁) - tortoise-shell
- dai-guan (帶管) - guides
- de (德) - virtuous power
- ding-xiang (丁香) - cloves
- du (渡) - crossing
- du-hai jiang-jun (渡海將軍) - sea-crossing commander
- duan (緞/段) - silk
- fang-wu (方物) - local products
- feng (封) - enfeoff
- feng-biao (奉表) - present a memorial
- fu (撫) - soothe/pacify
- fu-yu (撫諭) - soothe and instruct
- gao (誥) (appointment) patent
- gong-zhi ( ) - inherit a post
- guan (關) - pass / gate
- hai-kou (海口) - sea-port
- hai-men (海門) -estuary
- han-shou (函首) - boxed head
- he-bo si (河泊司) - fishing tax office
- hu-song guan (護送官) - escort officials
- huo-zhang (火長) - navigator
- jian (箋) - salutory letter
- jiang-zhen xiang (降真香) - laka-wood
- jin (錦) - brocade
- jin-chang ju (金場局) - gold-mining office
- juan (絹) - thin silk
- jun-jiang (軍匠) - military artisan
- kan-he (勘合) - tally-slips
- ku (庫) -storehouse/ treasury
- li (里) - village
- li-shi (力士) - standard bearers
- ling (綾) - damask
- ling-dui (領隊) - leading forces
- luo (纙) - silk gauze (luo)
- luo-sha (纙紗) - silk gauze
- min-bing (民兵) - militiamen
- ming (命) - order
- mu-xiang (木香) - putchuk
- nei-shi (內使) or nei-guan (內官) - eunuch (official)
- pai (牌) - warrant
- pei-chen (陪臣) - attendant minister
- pi (匹) - bolt (of silk or cloth)
- pi-wen (批文) - despatch notes
- qi (綺) - fine silk
- qi-gong (奇功) - outstanding achievements
- qi-jun (旗軍) - platoon commanders
- qi-lan xiang (奇蘭香) - qi-lan aromatic
- qian-fu-zhang (千夫長) - local battalion commander
- qu-kou (渠口) - canal-port
- rou-dou-gou (肉荳蔻) - cinnamon
- ru-li (如例) - in accordance with the precedents
- ru-xiang (乳香) -frankincense
- seng-gang si (僧綱司) - prefectural Buddhist registry
- seng-hui si (僧會司) - county Buddhist registry
- sha (紗) - silk gauze (sha)
- shan-hou shi-yi (善後事宜) - remedial arrangements
- she (舍) - settlement
- she (社) - hamlet
- shen-ji jiang-jun (神機將軍) - firearms commander
- shen-xiang (沈香) - gharu-wood
- shi (使) - envoy
- shi-da (事大) -serve the superior
- shui-ke ju (稅科局) - commercial tax office
- shui-ke si (稅科司) - commercial tax bureau
- su-mu (蘇木) - sapan wood
- su-xiang (速香) - gharu-wood (su)
- sui-wu (隨伍) - following forces
- ti-zhi (替職) - succeed to a post
- tong-shi (通事) - interpreters
- tou-gong (頭功) - great achievements
- tou-mu (頭目) - chieftain
- tu-qiu (土酋) - native ruler
- tu -she (土舍) - This is generally translated as "member of the ruling native-official family", in reference to the "native-official" (土司) rulers of Yun-nan. However, Professor Frederick Mote has advised that this term may have been used, as on the northern Chinese borders, to refer generally to a second-level functionary, regardless of whether he was a family member or clansman of the local ruler.
- tun (屯) - post
- wen-qi (文綺) - patterned fine silk
- xiao-jia (小甲) - precinct deputies
- xiao-qi (小旗) - squad commanders
- xiao-wei (校慰) - commandant
- xin-di (信地) - defended area
- xin-fu (信符) - verification tally
- xun-jian si (巡檢司) - police office
- yan-lao (宴勞) - banquet in reward
- yang-wen fu (陽文符) - relief-script tally
- yi (議) - deliberate upon, discuss
- yin-chang ju (銀場局) - silver-mining office
- yi xue (醫學) - medical school
- yin-chang si (銀場司) - silver-mining bureau
- yin-wen fu (陰文符) - incised-script tally
- ying-xi (應襲) - due heir
- ying-yang jiang-jun (鷹揚將軍) - rapid-attack commander
- you-cha (有差) - (reward) as appropriate
- you-ji jiang-jun (游擊將軍) - mobile corps commander
- yu (諭) - (Imperial) instructions
- yu-hu (餘戶) - reservists
- zei (賊) - bandit
- zei-dang (賊黨) - bandit clique/gang (member)
- zha (柵) - palisades
- zhai (寨) - stockade
- zhang-guan (長官) - chief
- zhao (詔) - command, proclamation
- zhao-fu (招撫) - bring to negotiated surrender
- zhen (鎮) - commandery
- zhuang (莊) - village
- zhuang (樁) - stakes
- zi (咨) - a despatch
- zong jia (總甲) - precinct heads
- zou (奏) - memorial