
Goh Geok Yian, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, and John Miksic, National University of Singapore

20 October 2020

Colombo Court was excavated under less than optimal conditions. This resulted in only approximate coordinates for the artifacts recovered. The site itself seems to have been relatively shallow with a thin layer of deposition. There was however time to excavate two sections of the site, which demonstrated some interesting variability. The density of artifacts both precolonial and colonial was quite substantial, yielding a wide range of materials. The types of artifacts and their proportions were quite different from the other nearest sites, such as Parliament House Complex (PHC) or Singapore Cricket Club (SCC). The results demonstrate that it is important to conduct further excavations in as yet unexplored parts of the precolonial city because it is likely that yet more varieties of artifacts will be found.

Supported by the National Heritage Board, Singapore. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Heritage Board, Singapore.