
Yong-le: Year 16, Month 1, Day 3

8 Feb 1418

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The Feng-cheng Marquis Li Bin, regional commander of Jiao-zhi, advised that as Li Li, the native-official police officer of E-le County in Qing-hua Prefecture, had rebelled, he had sent the Commissioner-in-chief Zhu Guang and others to proceed to eliminate him. Li had previously followed Chen Ji-kuo in rebellion and had been appointed as a false Jin-wu general. Later, he restrained himself, returned to allegiance and was appointed as a police officer. However, he retained rebellious tendencies and, at this time, he took upon himself the title "Ping-ding King" (平定王). He also appointed his younger brother Li Shi as false grand councillor and Duan Mang as false commander-in-chief. They assembled a bandit force, including Fan Liu and Fan Yan, and despatched soldiers to rob and plunder. When Guang and the troops arrived, the government troops took over 60 (Alt 600) heads and captured over 100 persons, including Fan Yan and others. Li fled. At this time, Bin memorialized requesting permission to execute Yan and the others in Jiao-zhi as a warning to the people. This was approved.

Tai-zong: juan 196.1b

Zhong-yang Yan-jiu yuan Ming Shi-lu, volume 13, page 2054

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Preferred form of citation for this entry:

Geoff Wade, translator, Southeast Asia in the Ming Shi-lu: an open access resource, Singapore: Asia Research Institute and the Singapore E-Press, National University of Singapore, http://epress.nus.edu.sg/msl/reign/yong-le/year-16-month-1-day-3, accessed January 22, 2019