A polity depicted in the MSL as a "prefecture" of Yun-nan. The Tai traditions know this polity as Jengtung or Kengtung, a polity centred on the city of the same name in Shan State in modern Burma/Myanmar. Gu Zu-yu's Du-shi Fang-yu Ji-yao notes Meng-gen's territory extending "east to the territory of the Che-li Pacification Superintendency, south to the territory of Ba-bai/Da-dian, west to Mu-bang and north to the territory of the Meng-lian Chief's Office" (Gong Yin 1985; 219). Mangrai (1981a) provides two very useful translations of indigenous Jengtung histories against which the MSL references to Meng-gen can be compared and contrasted. The Meng-gen rulers given in the MSL can be equated with the following rulers given in Mangrai: Dao Ai = Ay-on = Ayyakababhumraja; Dao Jiao = Braya Kaeumabhu; and Qing-ma-la = Culamani. For further relevant literature, see Phayre (1967) and Scott and Hardiman (1900; Part II, Vol. 1, 371-450).
For information on further Chinese sources relating to this polity, see Dao Yong-ming (1989; 414-17), Fang Guo-yu (1987; 1017-18) and Gong Yin (1985; 218-19 and 1992; 638).